
Full Post List

Jul 12, 2024: Seeing Hamilton is as good as reason as any to teach your 8yo how to tie a tie. No more clip-ons or zipper ties for this kid. (Bow tie is legit too, …

Jul 10, 2024: Finished reading: The Civic Bargain by Brook Manville 📚 I actually finished this in May, but have been very slow to get back to MicroBlog until now.

Jul 10, 2024: 🍿 IF (2024) - ★★★★★ Underrated and under-appreciated. Among the best family I’ve seen in a long time. Held my kids and wife’s attention …

Jul 6, 2024: My wife just used the term “Bayesian prior” in casual conversation. My work here is done.

Jul 1, 2024: Happy monday, folks 📷

Jun 25, 2024: 🎥 Woodie is a good puppy!, YouTube

Jun 15, 2024: Lot of folks ask, how hot is it in Arizona? Well, it’s nard to say. I mean, you get used it. But…

Jun 14, 2024: 🎥 Turning the Tables on AI, iA Writer. I like the idea of getting the AI to ask the writer questions for clarity; I suspect many of my students will …

Jun 14, 2024: Your periodic reminder not write and edit your own wikipedia page. It’s just bad form.

Jun 11, 2024: You guys! I don’t pickleball is coming in Spring 2024.

Jun 7, 2024: 44 rotations around the sun. (It was yearerday, but I always give D-Day pride of place, especially this year, 80 years since.) I have this running …

Jun 6, 2024: 🎥 Jocko on 80-years since D-Day, YouTube

Jun 1, 2024: 📰 More than 200 mayoral candidates have been killed in Mexico during this election season, WSJ (ungated link)

May 28, 2024: Maryland High School Seniors Prank Town Into Thinking a New Trader Joe’s Is Coming. GOAT

May 23, 2024: 🗞️ NCAA 2.8 Billion dollar settlement will pay college athletes directly. WSJ Long-time coming. Probably bad for college sports, but justly over due.

May 20, 2024: Monday vibes

May 19, 2024: Sunday vibes.

May 19, 2024: I was in Washington earlier this week. The view as we left in a light rain and fog was splendid.

May 8, 2024: Perils (and joys) of homeownership. 25+ year old oven finally dies, 4 years into my ownership. But the 25+ year old cabinents were not built to spec, …

May 3, 2024: It arrived early! @ayjay did a marvelous job. Beautiful layout, typography, binding. Looking forward to a good slow read of it just as classes and the …

Apr 27, 2024: I finally pre-ordered Auden’s Shield of Achilles, back in print thanks to the hard work of @ayjay — it is top of my summer reading queue.

Apr 22, 2024: Finished reading: Nation Builder by Charles N. Edel 📚

Apr 22, 2024: Finished reading: Tortilla Flat by John Steinbeck 📚 (Finished in January, but didn’t realize I had not yet moved it over.)

Apr 22, 2024: Finished reading: The American War in Afghanistan by Carter Malkasian 📚 A flawed book, but comprehensive overview of the entire war. Recommended, esp …

Apr 22, 2024: 🎥 Deadpool and Wolverine (Trailer), YouTube. LFG

Apr 15, 2024: How to ruin a pair of shoes, for $90, my Google Review Moral of the story, always keep your receipts. Sigh.

Mar 27, 2024: Currently reading: The American War in Afghanistan by Carter Malkasian 📚

Mar 18, 2024: Finished reading: The Diplomacy of the American Revolution by Samuel Flagg Bemis 📚

Feb 20, 2024: Finished reading: Finding Faith in Foreign Policy by Gregorio Bettiza 📚 Flawed, and I wouldn’t recommend starting with this one—but it’s …

Feb 19, 2024: Finished reading: King Henry IV Part 1 by William Shakespeare 📚

Feb 19, 2024: A Psychiatrist Tried to Quit Gambling. Betting Apps Kept Her Hooked, WSJ Betting companies “…can track when customers last used the app and …

Feb 13, 2024: I’m giving up social media for Lent, inter alia. While I will still be posting (from Drafts or MarsEdit), I will not be interacting much or at all …

Feb 11, 2024: Finished reading: Considerations on the Causes of the Greatness of the Romans and Their Decline by Charles de Secondat Montesquieu 📚

Feb 11, 2024: Been a while since I’ve had an afternoon coffee and just read. (In this case, to prep for my class tomorrow.) ☕️ 📚

Feb 9, 2024: Help my niece, Gemma Wichmann, win best software girls basketball in Northeast Ohio. She was winning, but slipped to second today.

Feb 9, 2024: Social-media companies are embracing this new type of push because people are posting and interacting less publicly on social media… While the number …

Feb 7, 2024: Finished reading: The Histories by Polybius 📚

Feb 4, 2024: If you don’t accidentally nick the palm of your hand with a block plane, are you even doing your job helping your son with his pine wood derby car?

Feb 1, 2024: 🎵 Trio Session Demos - Okonski - ★★★★☆

Jan 31, 2024: Finished reading: Tortilla Flat by John Steinbeck 📚

Jan 31, 2024: I was randomly contacted to participate in a national survey about the 2024 election. As one who holds a PhD in political science I was more gitty to …

Jan 30, 2024: 🎵 Technically Acceptable - Ethan Iverson - ★★★☆☆ Weird album. Very inconsistent from song to song, both in terms of mood but also in quality.

Jan 29, 2024: Finished reading: On War by Carl von Clausewitz 📚 Technically, I read the Jolles Translation with my students, but that edition includes Sun-Tzu and I …

Jan 29, 2024: Finished reading: History of the Peloponnesian War by Thucydides 📚 Arguably the best translation I’ve worked with Lattimore and Woodruff’s …

Jan 28, 2024: Welp, make that two kids down with strep. One of the littles woke up from a nap saying that it hurt to swallow.

Jan 28, 2024: Big kid has strep. Been at least a year but ugh. He’s miserable. Now it’s a wait-and-see to see if the others develop symptoms.

Jan 23, 2024: 🎵 Saviors - Green Day - ★★★★★ I remind you, Billie Joe Armstrong is 51, still killing it.

Jan 23, 2024: Finally got approval from my work to buy Omnifocus 4. Tomorrow will be a very good day in the office.

Jan 22, 2024: “It’s hard to answer that right now,” Stroud said, … “I know where I come from in college, if you don’t win it all, then …

Jan 21, 2024: The big kid submitted a user form in Google Maps to rename one of the alleys in the neighborhood after him. Ladies and Gentlemen, introducing “Nacho …

Jan 20, 2024: Now playing 🎵 O.P.P. - Naughty By Nature - ★★★★★ Playing the jams on the local radio this morning.

Jan 18, 2024: This lawsuit is one of many the NCAA is currently facing on multiple fronts, and … All of it is part of the NCAA’s ongoing quest for an antitrust …

Jan 16, 2024: The incredible shrinking podcast industry | Semafor Apple has quietly tightened its reporting of how many people listen to podcasts, sending shock …

Jan 14, 2024: Toughest mom in the US, full stop. When Alaska flight 1282 blew open, a mom went into ‘go mode’ to protect her son | The Seattle Times I saw this story making the round on the various …

Jan 14, 2024: Ladies and gentlemen, Three. 📷 credit: the wife. See also, one year ago today.

Jan 14, 2024: Welp. One of the big kids is up with croup.

Jan 13, 2024: The Three Factions of American Culture (Substack) The macroculture, it must be emphasized, is nowhere near collapse. I think it will transmogrify, …

Jan 13, 2024: How Football Works: Introducing the keeper-back (The Athletic) ⚽️ Good stuff from The Athletic, especially for casual soccer fans such as myself.

Jan 11, 2024: The culture/media war of 2024 has already been won (Ted Gioia) In other words, legacy media is collapsing at the very moment that alternative platforms are booming. I’m doubling my audience in 2023 (up more than …

Jan 10, 2024: Nick Saban. 🏈 (That’s it. That’s the post.)

Jan 10, 2024: Breakfast of champions. 📷

Jan 6, 2024: The discussion on Tangents and Footnotes for the first week of War and Peace is terrific. I like this pace of reading. I hope I can keep it up. 📚

Jan 6, 2024: Slept in (to 6am), but it’s still dark and quiet while I drink coffee and collect thoughts for next week. Spring semester begins on Monday. ☕️

Jan 2, 2024: Terrible news out of Japan, especially the loss of life from their Coast Guard. It’s a miracle the passengers on the commercial flight were all …

Jan 1, 2024: Short and simple, New Year’s Day hike with the kids (Gaia GPS)

Jan 1, 2024: Currently reading: War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy 📚 Part of the year-long book club with Footnotes and Tangents on Substack.

Jan 1, 2024: Tamalada: making my first tamales ever I recently inspired by Adriana Maestas on Twitter/X to reclaim tradition. She linked to an excellent essay in the LA Times by Natalia Molina on the …

Dec 31, 2023: I might have to steal this great idea for 2024.

Dec 31, 2023: And with that, I just finished a full year with Ryan Holiday’s daily stoic journal. What a process. 2022 was hodgepodge, stochastic, and …

Dec 31, 2023: Year in books for 2023 Here are the books I finished reading in 2023. My official count is lower than actual, most on account of a few re-reads. (I read Shakespeare’s …

Dec 31, 2023: 📚2024 War and Peace book club, Footnotes and Tangents, Substack I’m joining, come do it with me! We start tomorrow, one chapter per day.

Dec 30, 2023: Now playing, Stakes is High

Dec 30, 2023: Want to read: Beyond Revenge by J. B. Minton 📚 JB is on Substack. Never heard of him before, but now I’m hooked. This one is near the top of my 2024 …

Dec 29, 2023: Is anyone using Music Board? Seems like a Letterboxd/Goodreads for music. Are there better or just interesting alternatives?

Dec 28, 2023: 🎥🎵 Adeste Fideles, Gaby Moreno (YouTube). Still a very underrated musician, and her christmas album even more so.

Dec 26, 2023: 🎥 Linus and Lucy: with the Frank Granelli Trio, YouTube Gestrin (piano) and Fisk (bass) struggling to leep up, but the master makes it look easy.

Dec 26, 2023: Finished reading: How to Do Nothing by Jenny Odell 📚

Dec 26, 2023: 📰 This Corner of Texas Was Remote. Then Instagram Found It., WSJ. For decades, this quirky cluster of trailers, hippies and a ghost town was a …

Dec 25, 2023: First time watching Home Alone for the big kid. 📽

Dec 24, 2023: How it started… How it’s going… … and to all a goodnight. 📷

Dec 24, 2023: Veni Veni Immanuel, English and Latin (YouTube)

Dec 24, 2023: No post-Mass photo this year, but merry Christmas everyone!

Dec 24, 2023: The story of Christmas through masterpieces of painting (Culture Critic, thread on “X”).

Dec 24, 2023: Midnight in Arizona, which means it’s Christmas Eve. All my love and best wishes to each and every one of you, reading in your timelines or on my …

Dec 23, 2023: The disdain for Substack is misplaced. It continues to be one of the best sources of good writing on the net. I encourage skeptics to consider Elle …

Dec 23, 2023: American Achilles in the War on Terror John J. Waters interviews Emily Wilson at RealClearDefense about her new translation of Homer. The arc of history demonstrates the activity of …

Dec 22, 2023: Moving my Academic website (from Github) to Hugo is my 2024 project. I need to find some readings on porting or writing a custom theme so that the …

Dec 21, 2023: Orrin Kerr reminds me (on “X”) that Lee Morgan’s The Sidewinder is 60 years old today. 🤯

Dec 21, 2023: We just ordered Papa John’s ‘Shaq-a-Roni (Thrillist) pizza. What’s the over/under on how long it takes my 8 and 6 year old to eat …

Dec 21, 2023: 🗞️Rudy Giuliani files for backruptcy, WSJ From the NYT: On Wednesday, the judge overseeing the election worker case… ordered Mr. Giuliani to start …

Dec 21, 2023: The little one saw her first bunny, in our back yard of all places. But then it ran off with his food and now she’s devastated. “I love …

Dec 20, 2023: It’s all fun and games until your little brother kicks out the (already very loose) baby tooth. Hashtag-Christmas-miracle.

Dec 20, 2023: Near complete agreement with @ayjay on the Fediverse: The fediverse would be a great thing if so many of the people using the various social media …

Dec 19, 2023: Honestly, I didn’t have the Colorado Supreme Court on my bingo card.

Dec 19, 2023: Got a paper submitted. I think I spent more time formatting to the journal’s house style than I did writing the thing. But it’s off. A …

Dec 18, 2023: Finished reading: Paradoxes of Education in a Republic by Eva T. H. Brann 📚

Dec 18, 2023: Apple to Suspend Some Apple Watch Sales in U.S. Over Patent Dispute - WSJ The company will pause online sales of the Apple Watch Series 9 and Apple …

Dec 17, 2023: Subscriptions, end-of-year 2023 TLDR; $632.57 per annum: could be better, could be a lot worse. I was waiting until New Year’s, but Pratik, {maique}, and Robb among overs have …

Dec 16, 2023: Fiesta Bowl Parade Don’t ask me why the parade is weeks before the game, even before Christmas. I don’t make the rules. It’s a complete mystery to me. …

Dec 16, 2023: Thirty Months with a 12-inch PowerBook G4 – Shawn Blanc I loved my 12-inch PowerBook. It was the first Mac I bought, in 2006 thereabouts (after being …

Dec 16, 2023: Why we should be bullish on X, @Culture_Crit (on Twitter/X). TLDR; the ‘24 election will make X the de facto platform for public discourse, ads …

Dec 15, 2023: Formatting LaTeX tables into Excel, by hand, because ::checks notes:: the journal submissions guidelines want everything in MS Word and each figure or …

Dec 11, 2023: 🎵🎥 Evelyn King, Love Come Down Good way to start the morning with my coffee. ☕️

Dec 11, 2023: The robustness of Twitter - Marginal REVOLUTION “So you all should be long Twitter. And those who have left are missed far less than they might have …

Dec 6, 2023: 🎥 Gs, Warren and Kenny. Twitter, couldn’t find it YouTube.

Dec 6, 2023: Drove out to mom’s today.

Dec 6, 2023: Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis asks for $1 million for Florida State to sue CFP committee over snub Strong endorse. I was hoping FSU would sue, and this …

Dec 6, 2023: Filmic’s Entire Staff Laid Off by Parent Company Bending Spoons | PetaPixel Deleted the app. Anyone with alternative ones, please recommend.

Dec 3, 2023: Finished reading: Shakespeare’s Sonnets & Poems by William Shakespeare 📚 Third, and final, time for the year.

Nov 30, 2023: Not every day that you get to have dinner with Consuls General from two foreign nations. 🤙🏽

Nov 29, 2023: Lotta folks dunking on Kissinger. I would like to know how many of them have read Diplomacy, World Order, or any of the biographies which are don’t …

Nov 27, 2023: ☕️ 🛫 wasn’t on the agenda 12 hours ago, but here we are.

Nov 25, 2023: Donna Noble. That’s it. That’s the post. Welcome back, Donna.

Nov 25, 2023: Forgot to wear my “game of the century” (2006 throwback) t shirt this morning. But the kids were behaving, so we had to take the photo before the …

Nov 23, 2023: Thanksgiving pie, and moral responsibility. A hilarious classic thread.

Nov 21, 2023: Finished reading: Hesiod by Apostolos N. Athanassakis 📚 Love this translation.

Nov 21, 2023: Finished reading: Four Texts on Socrates by Plato 📚

Nov 21, 2023: Finished reading: Is Remote Warfare Moral? by Joseph O Chapa 📚

Nov 20, 2023: NYT. Microsoft Hires Sam Altman In case you missed it, Sam Altman Doesn’t Want to be your AI King… but he might be anyway, The New Atlantis …

Nov 18, 2023: Took the big kid to his first college football game (and he helped with some pregame festivities).

Nov 18, 2023: Happening now: In the desert, rain is a public event.

Nov 17, 2023: As a rule, burying your lede behind 2334 of throat clearing doesn’t exactly make your case all that strong.

Nov 14, 2023: Been without a refrigerator for a week and half, took a full seven calendar days to the return on the one that didn’t fit. I can go buy a new one …

Nov 13, 2023: Scout hike today…

Nov 5, 2023:

Oct 31, 2023: All Hallows Eve, from the Mushroom Kingdom

Oct 30, 2023:

Oct 27, 2023: Civilians have a right to flee hostilities, but Hamas won't let them Senior administration officials say Egypt was insisting no one could come out of Gaza until all the aid got in, but that those Egyptian officials have …

Oct 25, 2023: Finished reading: Just War and Ordered Liberty by Paul D. Miller 📚

Oct 23, 2023: Mom fell asleep before the little one, so I come in and she’s crawled up next to her, mom’s phone in hand, watching Frozen like it’s no big deal.

Oct 23, 2023: ‘Hamas said they wouldn’t shoot, then murdered my daughter’ - BBC News “They’re screaming ‘we don’t shoot’, and …

Oct 22, 2023: “We hope that … we can bring the unidentified down to less than 200. But some people, we will never find. We will never identify them. And …

Oct 10, 2023: ‘Indefatigable’ Chicago Woman Whose Skydive at 104 Drew Admiration Dies, NYT Rest in peace, Dorothy. And thanks for the mini-lesson on …

Oct 9, 2023: Last night someone didn’t want to turn 6. Today, he seems pretty content to have turned 6.

Oct 3, 2023: Comic gold take on Kevin McCarthy

Sep 27, 2023: Finished reading: Two Treatises of Government by John Locke 📚 Nice updated edition, with contemporary spelling. But the binding quality is subpar. …

Sep 27, 2023: Finished reading: The Prince by Niccolò Machiavelli 📚 (couple of weeks ago, teaching a new translation for me.)

Sep 27, 2023: Making slow (but steady) progress on my own manuscript revisions: Currently reading: Finding Faith in Foreign Policy by Gregorio Bettiza 📚

Sep 27, 2023: Finished reading: The Beginning of Politics by Moshe Halbertal 📚

Sep 27, 2023: My university IT department did not freeze computers from upgrading to Sonoma. It’s a Christmas miracle.

Sep 26, 2023: In a footnote, he added a line from the movie “Duck Soup” uttered by Chico Marx: “Well, who ya gonna believe, me or your own eyes?” Might be my new …

Sep 23, 2023: Ohio State v. Notre Dame is one of the most bananas games I’ve seen in regular season in a long time. We’re in USC-ND 2005 territory.

Sep 23, 2023: 🛬 DCA->PHX (great conference, ready for home.)

Sep 21, 2023: Unexpected plane change in Dallas. I’m pretty sure I’m obliged by the law of nations to get some brisket for breakfast.

Sep 21, 2023: zero dark thirty. 🛫🤙🏽

Sep 18, 2023: Got the kids some new T-shirts for game day. (Sister still insists on her dress.)

Sep 18, 2023: We’re getting there. (It’ll still be a 100 degrees in the afternoon, but the morning feels great.)

Sep 12, 2023: We live in an age of abundance.

Sep 10, 2023: Finished reading: Shakespeare’s Sonnets & Poems by William Shakespeare 📚 Second time for the year, slower than the first one which I wrapped …

Sep 8, 2023: I just got a solicitation text message from my local realtor who said he got my number from my mortgage company. I can’t change who services my …

Sep 7, 2023: My work here is done. Overheard the big complaining to mommy, “Daddy is the worst babysitter ever.” This is a twofold win. First, my wife and I joke whether …

Sep 3, 2023: For anyone using Drafts to publish to microblog, do you know if there is a way to assign categories or tags? I’m unsure if I care much, as I can …

Sep 3, 2023: We may be at a point where we need a radical departure from the standard model, one that may even require us to change how we think of the elemental …

Aug 28, 2023: Proton Pass for literal* pennies on the dollar. (Via @rom) I’m happy with 1Password, but if you don’t have a manager, there’s no better time to give …

Aug 27, 2023: Finished reading: Building a Second Brain by Tiago Forte 📚

Aug 26, 2023: Two-year old temper tantrums are all fun and games until you fall asleep on the kitchen floor. Fell asleep mid way through screaming and feigned …

Aug 20, 2023: I just solved a four year old problem on Emacs across two computers by removing my cache and bookmarks and restarting the app. So simple, but the …

Aug 20, 2023: Finished reading: The Eclogues of Virgil by Virgil 📚

Aug 15, 2023: 🎥 Printer Ink, It’s a SCAM, FStoppers

Aug 11, 2023: Molly Baz, The Right Way to Make Popcorm. SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY!

Aug 10, 2023: Kaczor on Rapinoe’s miss kicked ⚽️ I don’t often agree with Megan Rapinoe’s outspoken politics, but these attacks of her reaction are deeply …

Aug 8, 2023: Speaking of sports, Jomboy’s breakdown of the Ramirez-Anderson fight is a masterpiece.

Aug 8, 2023: Pacific Athletic Conference, a post-mortem Pac-12’s demise is story of 12 years of hubris, apathy, astounding mismanagement There will presumably be many eulogies written about the …

Aug 5, 2023: It’s so hot in Phoenix right now even the stuffed animals need to hydrate. Don’t forget your electrolytes while you’re at it.

Aug 3, 2023: 15 years of Omnifocus I was on vacation and missed the news that Omnifocus is 15 years old! That means I’ve been using it for fifteen years, or very nearly so. I …

Jul 12, 2023: Hiked the Mist Trail today, with the big kiddo. We got up at 4am to make it happen.

Jul 4, 2023: We had a slow start to the holiday. But in the valley sun, the party doesn’t start until evening. And so, Happy Independence Day! <img …

Jul 4, 2023: One of my students emailed to tell me he read the Declaration of Independence this morning. My work here is done. God bless, America! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

Jun 27, 2023: “Take heed, dear heart, of this large privilege; The hardest knife ill-used doth lose his edge.” —Shakespeare, the Sage of Git/Github

Jun 25, 2023: Palacios Family Reunion, 2023 Short half-weekend in California including a stop in Joshua Tree on the way to my mom’s on Friday. My family reunion was the main event. And now …

Jun 21, 2023: I just successfully disassembled my wall oven door and replaced the hinges. Should have taken before, during, and after photos but I was too focused …

Jun 20, 2023: Nine beautiful, wonderful, grace filled years. Love you, Lucia, to the moon.

Jun 20, 2023: Started Reacing: The Beginning of Politics by Moshe Halbertal 📚

Jun 18, 2023: My tablet/smartphone native son is using his mom’s 9-yo laptop (it’s older than him) for the first time. It’s like watching a monkey try to figure out …

Jun 18, 2023: Happy Father’s Day, folks We had the cheapest and best celebration at one of the city pools.

Jun 18, 2023: “If you argue with a madman, it is extremely probable that you will get the worst of it; for in many ways his mind moves all the quicker for not …

Jun 18, 2023: Early bird gets the worm, we, donut. (Yesterday morning on a pre-7am run to Lowe’s. He was the only kid awake, so he got to run with me.)

Jun 15, 2023: 😳 The Russi an Soldier Who Surrendered to a Ukrainian Drone

Jun 12, 2023: Bookworm 📷

Jun 6, 2023: The kiddos love “surprising” me for my birthday. The sign greeted me when I arrived at home as. My age is an inside joke with the kids.

Jun 3, 2023: Sony animators > Disney/Pixar.

May 28, 2023: She is such a diva. Note the semi-prone flop, wherein she contains the option of spreading out more if the adults don’t respond to this faux-tantrum …

May 27, 2023: I’m reading Walt Whitman at the boys’ first day of summer (indoor!) soccer. ☕️📚⚽️

May 19, 2023: “Mom, I wanted to see how far it would boomerang,” he said after my wife heard the ominous snap from behind the minivan.

May 17, 2023: Look, all I’m saying is get yourself a Gorilla Cart. Great for moving stuff around the yard. And in a pinch, they make great water tubs.

May 15, 2023: Wild video of storm chasers intercepting a tornado. Just wild.

May 14, 2023: She’s the best mom. Love this woman.

May 12, 2023: 🛫 PHX -> BWI

May 6, 2023: ::big kid lecturing his younger brother about why we had to leave the park early (after some big feelings):: Me: “hey, dude. Leave your brother alone. …

Apr 28, 2023: While taking a job candidate to dinner, I spied Pete Carroll having dinner. Didn’t expect that on my Friday night bingo card.

Apr 20, 2023: Finished reading: The Aeneid by Publius Vergilius Maro 📚

Apr 19, 2023: A few architectural details from Chicago last weekend. 📷 #vsco First two from the Palmer House. Last one from St. John Cantius Church

Apr 18, 2023: Alex Tabarrok, Costco

Apr 13, 2023: 🗞 Leaker of U.S. secret documents worked on military base, friend says. WaPo, no paywall. My conclusion in the short term is the FBI should have …

Apr 9, 2023: As Easter Sunday winds down, I am struck by the sheer number of derisive, hostile, and contemptuous posts on the social medias that, if directed at …

Apr 9, 2023: SNA -> PHX 🛬 I was in the homeland less than 20 hours. Happy Easter everyone.

Apr 8, 2023: 🛫 PHX -> ONT

Apr 6, 2023: FWIW, the Mario Brothers movie was not nearly as bad as my priors were going into it. Kids loved it, I laughed a few times. Many allusions and homages …

Apr 5, 2023: Finished reading: Safe Passage by Kori Schake 📚

Apr 3, 2023: Tough break, Aztecs. That second half of the first half killed ya. Next year.

Apr 1, 2023: This shot reminds me of Kris Jenkins of Villanova beating UNC in 2016 (though with Villanova for the championship and SD State for the trip to the …

Mar 26, 2023: Finished reading: Shakespeare’s Sonnets & Poems by William Shakespeare 📚

Mar 26, 2023: I haven’t watched a bad game this entire tournament. 🏀

Mar 26, 2023: It’s all fun and games until the 5yo scratches his older brother’s kindle screen on the backyard concrete. 🤙🏽

Mar 25, 2023: We caught the last day of spring training with two of my brothers who were in town. Good times all around. ⚾️

Mar 20, 2023: Taylor Swift, GOAT.

Mar 18, 2023: Razorbacks! Bye Bye, Kansas.

Mar 17, 2023: Welp: there goes my bracket! Well done, FDU!

Mar 12, 2023: For the first time since starting college, IIRC, this is the first time neither my beloved Ohio State Buckeyes or Villanova Wildcats are in the …

Mar 11, 2023: My considered judgement is that the pitch clock is amazing. ⚾️

Mar 11, 2023: Finished reading: The Odyssey by Homer 📚

Mar 8, 2023: Spring training tickets, secured. Taking the big kid to see the Padres on Saturday. ⚾️

Mar 4, 2023: Tom Seizemore, Rest in Peace.

Mar 3, 2023: Among the most delightful reads in recent memory, a claxonomy of horns in Mexico City.

Mar 2, 2023: TIL that I share a birthday with Alexander Pushkin.

Mar 2, 2023: Because Tapbots transferred my Tweetbot subscription to Ivory (or Mastodon), I’m giving both another go until the sub ends in 60 days. You can follow …

Mar 1, 2023: While writing my narrative letter of the previous year for my annual review, and I gotta admit, adding that a student of mine is a Rhodes Scholar …

Mar 1, 2023: Currently reading: The Aeneid by Virgil 📚

Feb 28, 2023: Finished reading: Writing for Social Scientists, Third Edition by Howard S. Becker 📚

Feb 28, 2023: A pleasure to re-read: Writing for Social Scientists, Third Edition by Howard S. Becker 📚

Feb 27, 2023: Finished reading: Civil War by Caesar. 📚

Feb 26, 2023: It look most of the weekend, but I finished Wolfram’s ~20,000 word article on ChatGPT. It’s technical, but not prohibitively so.

Feb 24, 2023: 🤯 James Webb telescope detects evidence of ancient ‘universe breaker’ galaxies “It’s bananas,” said Nelson. “These galaxies should not have had time …

Feb 14, 2023: In welcome news for academe, eLife is ending accept/reject decisions. Here’s hoping more of this follows.

Feb 12, 2023: Who is America’s best vocalist, and why is it Sam Cooke?

Feb 3, 2023: Our car was in the body shop all week to repair the rear bumper from having been rear-ended in December. Everything look great at pickup, and I left …

Jan 20, 2023: 🗞 Only One Company… There’s only one big tech company that seemingly never played this hire-for-the-sake-of-hiring game, and thus hasn’t …

Jan 16, 2023: Oh, hello semi-annual sinus cold. Nice to see you again.

Jan 14, 2023: Ladies and gentlemen, Two. 📷 credit: the wife

Jan 14, 2023: 🗞 “My Ithaca Burned Down Too,” Ukrainian teenager reflects on reading James Joyce just before war.

Jan 13, 2023: TIL that Github sunset the Atom code editor in December. I rarely use it, but always loved working in it.

Jan 6, 2023: Yuuuuup.

Jan 2, 2023: Autumn has arrived in Tempe, AZ. 📷

Jan 1, 2023: Went to Mass this morning. It’s Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God. Stopped on the way home for menudo at a local taqueria. I’ll be home and …

Dec 31, 2022: I’m struggling to put into words my grief over the passing of Pope Benedict. I learned so much about the faith from his writings, and his sermons. He …

Dec 25, 2022: Thanks, Mom. 🤙🏽🎄🎅🏽

Dec 22, 2022: 📽 About to start Empire Strikes Back with the kids. They don’t know Darth Vader is Luke’s dad. Queue the 🤯🤯🤯 ‘cause it’s coming.

Dec 14, 2022: Two sick little boys: recovering post-tonsillectomy and ear infection, respectively. Literal and figurative middle of the night. YOLO, folks. If …

Dec 13, 2022: All time best Mike Leach soundbite, his take on the PAC12 college mascots. Rest in Peace, Coach.

Dec 12, 2022: “At this point we can all agree that Angelo is a piece of shit.” —a student paper on Measure for Measure

Dec 8, 2022: 5yo had a tonsillectomy this morning. Already finished; waiting for the nurses to bring me back to post-op. Im proud of the kiddo’s bravery even when …

Dec 6, 2022: “More than any other time, if you are not on Twitter, you just don’t know what is going on.” 🗞️ Twitter comes of age - Marginal …

Dec 5, 2022: One upshot of the younger brother discovering where mom hid the oldest’s Christmas presents this morning is the beautiful strumming on the ukulele …

Dec 3, 2022: Always something a little endearing when all the late assignments on the final paper are from the best students who fret and stress about every last …

Dec 2, 2022: 📚The Shallows: What the Internet Is Doing to Our Brains, Nicholas Carr. This book was on my queue for later during winter break, but someone recalled …

Dec 1, 2022: Trader Joe’s. 📷

Dec 1, 2022: And with that, I’m done teaching for 2022—grading final papers notwithstanding.

Nov 30, 2022: About this time of the semester, the illusion of safety collapses for students who haven’t been coming to class. Suddenly, without warning, final …

Nov 29, 2022: USA USA USA

Nov 29, 2022: I recently purchased the new Criterion edition of WALL-E in 4k (half off on Amazon), but it arrives damaged from Amazon. (Replacement ordered, …

Nov 29, 2022: Since I’m not currently spending money on a music subscription, I need to fish in my boxes for the Christmas albums. My oldest recently …

Nov 28, 2022: One trend of the Twitter exodus, such as it is, is that quality of non-political Twitter has gotten better. My lists following other topics like …

Nov 27, 2022: Sunday after thanksgiving means finding that inner motivation to just finish off the pie and eggnog.

Nov 26, 2022: Buckeyes lost, but we had a good time watching the game with the kids. How Firm Thy Friendship.

Nov 26, 2022: It’s game day in Ohio. I was trying to explain to my students here in Tempe the level of commitment folks have for the Buckeyes and, of course, The …

Nov 25, 2022: Oh, hello, Strep and Hand Foot and Mouth, so nice to see you both again. Since you were just here a few weeks ago, we thought it would be a while …

Nov 25, 2022: My Black Friday shopping ritual is pretty straight forward. I don’t. Instead, I sleep in and then watch movies all day. But for those out snagging …

Nov 24, 2022: To retain some peace and quiet today, I’ll be off most (it not all) of the day. Happy Thanksgiving everyone. Cheers.

Nov 23, 2022: It’s all fun and games until the kids jump into the trunk of the minivan and squash the pumpkin pie.

Nov 23, 2022: In a shocking update, kids who go to bed late will still wake up at pre-dawn hours. You don’t know that, but now you know. 🤙🏽

Nov 22, 2022: I just informed an international graduate student about Trader Joe’s and his eyes lit up as if I had explained that time travel was possible. My …

Nov 22, 2022: I already ready to begin my graze of pre-feast treats for the Thanksgiving weekend. Let’s go, people.

Nov 21, 2022: So glad we bought ice earlier this past weekend. Already sold out at our local grocery store as the Thanksgiving preparations pick up.

Nov 20, 2022: I don’t think I need to repeat myself, but it’s the Sunday of Thanksgiving, so having pumpkin pie with morning coffee is basically the law.

Nov 19, 2022: Biting your younger brother is, I must admit, one of the more novel applications of the “it was accident defense.”

Nov 18, 2022: Look, I’m not an expert and don’t have strong priors on this. I very well could be wrong. But… and hear me out. I think I need to replace this spare …

Nov 17, 2022: Barrel full day between meeting, teaching, meetings, and teaching. Whew.

Nov 16, 2022: Who is the most underrated franchise player in any sport?

Nov 15, 2022: It’s all fun and games until your little brother whacks you with an aluminium mixing bowl in what he thinks is just part of the regular morning …

Nov 14, 2022: The big kid called to remind me that I must leave work early today so we can hang out longer because I was gone all week. He’s a persuasive litigator.

Nov 13, 2022: Sprinting across the Charlotte airport was not on my agenda this morning. Made it. Barely.

Nov 13, 2022: Thankfully I do not need to adjust to the weather. Flying back to sunny, and much warmer, Tempe this afternoon. Great conference at Notre Dame this …

Nov 12, 2022: I had a suspicion last night that my conference was going too good, that, statistically speaking, I was due for at least a small road bump. This …

Nov 11, 2022: I was expecting a marvelous display of injury from the plenary lecture, but MacIntyre shows no sign of slowing down his deep probing of the universe …

Nov 10, 2022: I need to minister my time well when at a conference with so many good panels and lots of old friends and colleagues in town.

Nov 9, 2022: I’m certain about few things in life but among them, seeing old friends from grad school later tonight, and their kids, will be worth waking up at …

Nov 8, 2022: Elections are about building consensus, not necessarily winning over enemies. Off I go to my polling location. ☕️🗳️

Nov 7, 2022: I’m still reading through the comments from my manuscript review two weeks ago. So much insight from the reviewers—more than I can get into the …

Nov 6, 2022: Sometimes weekends are an echo of the weekdays. Pre-dawn and the kids are up. Thankfully, there’s always coffee. ☕️

Nov 5, 2022: Next up, a book I started before the pandemic and put down during it. Now I have time to give it my proper attention. The Librarian by Mikhail …

Nov 5, 2022: As much as I want to exempt myself from yard work this morning, it’s gotta get done.

Nov 4, 2022: Deep admiration for my wife who is at her third pediatric appointment this week (twice alone) to test the kiddos for strep. (A second positive test …

Nov 4, 2022: 🗞️ Professors and academics will stay on Twitter—for now Mostly confirms my priors the network effects will keep most of academe on Twitter.

Nov 3, 2022: I’m waiting for Apple to give the iPhone Pro a USB-C port before I upgrade, but man the new camera is bonkers.

Nov 3, 2022: “As a born-and-bred Californian, I naturally think of RTOR as God’s will.” Kevin Drum, “Right Turn on Red” is California’s gift to …

Nov 3, 2022: First the wife, now one of the kids is down with strep. If another one goes down, I might be eligible for my medical license.

Nov 2, 2022: Taylor Swift, Straussian

Nov 2, 2022: Pre-dawn coffee in peace and quiet is an underrated joy, especially when the kids are still sleeping. Happy feast of All Souls to everyone.

Nov 1, 2022: The figure on Wednesday’s powerball is getting absurd.

Oct 31, 2022: And we’re off marauding for candy. 📷 Let’s just say the baby is uninterested in the games her brothers seem obsessed with.

Oct 30, 2022: Last weekend we had pozole at the church festival. 📷 My kid loves dramatic effect. But… he approves.

Oct 24, 2022: We had an eventful weekend. 📷

Oct 17, 2022: Welp. I can cross off waiting for the police to arrive to give a report after being harassed by someone—under age, college kid maybe?—to buy alcohol …

Oct 16, 2022: Not only did I kinda my Padres beating the Dodgers because I was hosting a manuscript workshop, I also missed the Vols beating Alabama. What a day! 🏈

Oct 11, 2022: Ladies and gentlemen, Seven years old. 📷

Oct 11, 2022: Murder She Wrote was my mom’s favorite show as a kid. My sister and I loved to watch it with her because she (mom) would get so into the plot. When I …

Oct 7, 2022: Dinner, a story in three acts.

Oct 7, 2022: The pozole at Great Wolf Lodge might be in the top five I’ve had in Phoenix. Who knew?!🍳

Oct 6, 2022: Great Wolf Lodge for the kids’ birthday (two of them, next week). If I survive, AMA. 📷

Oct 5, 2022: “we are currently unaware of any evidence that Hans cheated in this game, and we do not advocate for any conclusions regarding cheating being made …

Oct 4, 2022: 2 years ago to the day, the big kid lost his first tooth just days before his 5th birthday. Tonight, just days before his 5th, our second just lost …

Oct 2, 2022: “Look, guys, some people have the Constitution or drugs. I have October.” —my wife

Sep 30, 2022: Remember the time I bought an expensive wine to share with my wife who had a rough week and then my toddler dumped her backwash filled cup of water …

Sep 25, 2022: Flew through Dulles this week for the first time in ages. He was a great statesman, and we should do more than just name an airport after him. Oh, and …

Sep 21, 2022: Snagged the first pumpkin pie of the season. Somewhat early, but it was on sale. It did not disappoint. Bonus points: kids were stoked.

Sep 14, 2022: First time for everything I suppose. Arrived before TSA has opened security.

Sep 8, 2022: Less than a week away from my (first) trip to Canada. Anyone from Montreal who has tips on good food hit me up.

Sep 1, 2022: TFW when you discover an extra 3,000 words for your book manuscript that didn’t transfer over from one program to the next, thereby solving the …

Aug 29, 2022: So our A/C went out in the middle of the night. Here’s hoping (a) we can get a technician out to inspect it today, and (b) it’s something small and …

Aug 20, 2022: Nicole Auerbach on the 8 billion dollar BigTen media rights deal.

Aug 17, 2022: The Big Bang didn’t happen 🗞🧐

Aug 14, 2022: Waiting, almost time. 📷

Aug 14, 2022: Flight delay. 📷

Aug 13, 2022: Nothing says back to school like two kids with fevers and a rash. 🤙🏽

Aug 4, 2022: And just like that, a first grader. 📷

Jul 30, 2022: It was a great night last night with the guys. 📷

Jul 24, 2022: If you’re looking for a way to get your mind of your writing, or any creative work, so that you come back to it fresh, and save a lot of money, I …

Jul 23, 2022: Fantastic energy at Chase Field tonight. 📷⚾️

Jul 22, 2022: Never fun when the little ones are sick, especially for the little ones. Number two was so sad, calling for mommy. Mommy got him sorted. I got number …

Jul 9, 2022: Fatherhood is eighty percent just turning off lights behind your kids. The other half is flushing toilets.

Jul 8, 2022: First date night since the before times, belatedly(*) celebrating 8 wonderful years.(**) (*) No. 2 woke up with pink eye on our anniversary last …

Jul 2, 2022: A Big Ten welcome to USC and UCLA.

Jul 1, 2022: I can confirm that a cheese grater, if properly sharp and well maintained, can take a deep chunk of skin clean off your thumb faster than you drop an …

Jul 1, 2022: Take maths seriously, folks.

Jun 22, 2022: I am not wholly persuaded by this novel proposition for selecting SCOTUS Justices, but maybe. It’s better than the 18 year proposal which …

Jun 21, 2022: “But our holding in Espinoza turned on the substance of free exercise protections, not on the presence or absence of magic words.” Sick …

Jun 19, 2022: As Father’s Day gifts go, hard to beat the goldfish my daughter (18mo) shoved into my mouth while smiling. Cheers, fellow dads.

Jun 19, 2022: Happy Fathers Day, everyone!

Jun 18, 2022: Paco (4yo) didn’t think he was dirty enough to justify a bath. So he put it hands in his spaghetti bowl, wiped it on his face, arms, and belly and …

Jun 11, 2022: My wife has a flair for the dramatic. 🔥

Jun 10, 2022: I’m uninstalling Emacs and moving my config files into archive. As powerful as it is, maintaining it isn’t worth my time and energy, …

Jun 6, 2022: Every year for my birthday, my kids “surprise” me with a home made cake or cupcakes. It takes more work for me to conveniently be gone, and not hear …

Jun 6, 2022: I didn’t watch the WWDC keynote. But I did take the kids to their first swim lessons. 📷

Jun 5, 2022: My birthday is tomorrow, but my wife is impatient. So she made me a drink before dinner and put in my gift, a cocktail glass engraved with a map of …

Jun 4, 2022: Just got back from a pool party at a colleague’s. I took the oldest. Best decision ever. He got to swim, I got to hang out. He’s getting there, folks: …

May 30, 2022: “Dad, how do you know stuff about the past?” “I’m a dad. I know almost everything.“ “Oh yeah, who was the tallest president to ever live?” “Abraham …

May 27, 2022: Something something, run, don’t walk to see Top Gun Maverick. I cannot recall the last time the cinematography got my adrenaline racing. Woah. Just …

May 15, 2022: Beautiful blood moon tonight. We were able to see it at a reasonable hour in Arizona. Kids loved it. Simply stunning.

May 11, 2022: Is anyone using logseq, and if so, what are you doing with it?

May 11, 2022: Hashtag “girl dad” 📷

May 8, 2022: We let momma hit up brunch and a brewery, alone, this morning after Mass. Then we joined her for the last little bit. 📷 Cheers, again, to all the …

May 8, 2022: Happy Mother’s Day, everyone.

May 6, 2022: Queued up for the evening. First time for the kiddos. She’s not even in Wonderland and their already enthralled.

Apr 26, 2022: Here’s a first for me: Received a marketing email from a company I’ve never done business with. Quickly clicked on the unsubscribe link. …

Apr 26, 2022: A modest proposal: If university libraries are going to lean into eBooks over physical books, they should also make it easier for logging into …

Apr 24, 2022: Life in lockdown held back under-fives, via The Guardian

Apr 22, 2022: Back at the pool. 📷

Apr 21, 2022: Poolside. The kiddos and their cousins shut it down. 📷

Apr 20, 2022: Always good to get out of grading purgatory.

Apr 19, 2022: Email from Feed Wrangler that it’s shutting down. Here’s many great years of RSS service.

Apr 16, 2022: O Vere Beate Nox 📷 Easter Vigil at his request. Deo Gratias.

Apr 16, 2022: Moving brick and doing yard work this morning. This little companion was a stowaway on one of the bricks. 📷

Apr 15, 2022: I have the seen the future and it’s a two-stage, 5/8 horsepower, noise dampened garbage disposal. 🤙🏽🏡

Apr 12, 2022: I love Emacs—it’s text manipulation power is unrivaled. But sometimes maintaining packages and the config files don’t seem worth it.

Apr 11, 2022: When you want to hangout with dad but didn’t have nap time today. 📷

Apr 11, 2022: When mommy walks away. 📷

Apr 9, 2022: County Fair We had a fun evening last night. Many thanks to the Maricopa County Fair organizers and staff. The boys loved the Kent Family Circus. 📷

Apr 2, 2022: As rivalries go, it’s fitting that UNC is the one to beat Duke. Congrats Coach K. Wonderful career.

Mar 30, 2022: 🛫 To Nashville for a conference.

Mar 27, 2022: 19 years ago I bought a “Queensland” Starbucks mug in Australia. This morning it slipped from my hands while cleaning and cracked straight through. It …

Mar 25, 2022: 🏀 Saint Peter’s!

Mar 21, 2022: I found my new Safari homepage, Plain text sports. ❤️

Mar 21, 2022: Fleeing Mariupol, one checkpoint at a time. We were the last journalists in Mariupol. Now there are none. We are still flooded by messages from …

Mar 19, 2022: First MLB game for the bid kiddo at Spring Training. We got better seats than we deserved, I’ll tell ya that much. Oh, and the starting pitcher signed …

Mar 15, 2022: ⚾️ My original seat locations for Angels spring training were taken already—so the ticketing office applied my credit to front row behind the dugout …

Mar 11, 2022: It’s Friday Lent, puffy fish tacos? 🙋🏽‍♂️🌮

Mar 11, 2022: A public service announcement on Daylight Savings from Ryan Reynolds and Mark Ruffalo.

Mar 10, 2022: Having to decide between a new or used transmission or a new (newer-used) car was not on my bingo card this week. 🤷🏽‍♂️

Mar 10, 2022: My wife reminds me this morning that it’s one year since receiving my second vaccine shot. I had completely forgotten, which I suppose is a good …

Mar 9, 2022: kharkiv Diary, via American Purpose.

Mar 8, 2022: PSA for those keyboard shortcut users on Mac who suddenly are wondering why CMD+I opens, I found the workaround.

Mar 6, 2022: Considering Options in Ukraine, me at Providence Journal. I’ll post a TLDR thread later.

Mar 6, 2022: 🏀 There is something about the nature of enduring sports rivals that makes UNC beating Duke last night for Coach K’s last game, well, fitting and …

Mar 4, 2022: For those following me here on the blog or via, just a note that I’ve been on Twitter of late sharing articles and my thoughts on …

Feb 26, 2022: When geopolitics hits home: Just saw a gas station up it’s price 7¢ on the marquee as I was driving by.

Feb 25, 2022: Today, I’m one of several chaperones for my kindergartner’s first field trip. Off to see the The Hungry Caterpillar as a play. 📷

Feb 25, 2022: It took way too long to reconcile my budget for the end-of-month. The wife and kids will still have food on the table next week. I guess that’s a win.

Feb 24, 2022: Mark Tooley has it about right: So maybe Putin’s overreach in Ukraine will ultimately destroy him. But if so, it may take years to see that …

Feb 23, 2022: It seems that the war has started. A lot will remain in flux in the coming hours and days. Keep that in mind as you read the news. My general approach …

Feb 19, 2022: When your the dad of boys: for helping me wash the car they get a treat. They get to accompany me to Home Depot.

Feb 16, 2022: I’m supposed to take my kiddo for his first MLB game in a couple of weeks. I won’t be happy if that’s canceled on account of MLB …

Feb 14, 2022: I didn’t watch the Super Bowl, didn’t even see scores until the morning. I’m surprised how deeply content I am with that. 🏈

Feb 13, 2022: Wow, yeah. This is wild.

Feb 12, 2022: A tired book shopper.

Feb 10, 2022: First time inside Chik-fil-A since the before times. 🐓📷 Needless to say, the kiddo was very happy about it.

Feb 10, 2022: Coffee and Bayes. My friends who know me will laugh at what has befallen me. ☕️

Feb 8, 2022: The audacity of a school administrator trying to end run around parents who, respectively, have a PhD and an MSW and who know the rules at least as …

Feb 5, 2022: Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Kushner A quick family photo after the Mass. (Note the water all over one of the kiddo’s shirt. He totally wasn’t playing …

Feb 5, 2022: Some personally news—“Daddy” is officially 4/4 the first word for the babies. My wife conceded earlier this week. I’m clearly not the most loved (that …

Feb 5, 2022: 🖖🏽 Unpopular opinion: Star Trek Discovery isn’t very good. It suffers from too many emotional-psychological gesturing rather than real character …

Feb 4, 2022: Wrapping up day two of my annual sinus infection. Hoping it clears up so I attend my friend’s wedding tomorrow.

Feb 2, 2022: “… reading on a smartphone elicits fewer sighs, promotes brain overactivity in the prefrontal cortex, and results in reduced …

Feb 2, 2022: When your son asks you to wear a tie “just because,” you put on that tie. Like a boss.

Jan 30, 2022: Some times you do get a beautiful, well composed, two hour nap on a Sunday. It isn’t all the time, to be sure. But yeah. 🤙🏽

Jan 30, 2022: She loves her biggest brother. (Taken at Mass—a rare exception to my no phone policy at church.)

Jan 30, 2022: 🔖 Society has a trust problem. More censorship will only make it worse

Jan 29, 2022: Kids soccer, yet again. It was a warmer start to our weekend soccer games than last week when the reported 55 degrees was warmer than it felt. This week is quintessential …

Jan 27, 2022: Earworm courtesy of a YouTube suggestion, which I did not watch, for the 1812 overture. 🤙🏽

Jan 27, 2022: The Inestimable Mrs. Perez has been working on her tortilla game all week. In my professional, Mexican-American opinion, 💯!

Jan 27, 2022: And with that… my Instagram is deleted. (Well, it’s staged for deletion for 30 days and I suspect IG will try to get me to re-activate it before …

Jan 25, 2022: Yesterday a student admitted to not knowing the meaning of “ripping” a CD. To be clear—not “Oh, yeah I heard of it, but never knew …

Jan 23, 2022: What are folks’ best alternatives to Dropbox? Occurs to me, many of the reasons I’ve paid for pro for years have been obviated by advances across lots …

Jan 22, 2022: Having a deaf woman acting and interacting completely naturally and normally with the rest of the cast was beautiful, and … I really enjoyed the …

Jan 19, 2022: Full day of teaching, office hours, and students already worried about writing papers. Nature is healing. We’re getting there, folks. Slowly, but …

Jan 18, 2022: Early last summer, in a fit of a desperation, I read the first few of Shakespeare’s Sonnets to get my kids (then 5 and 3) calmed down for bed. Tonight …

Jan 15, 2022: 🎥 Great Recordings — Random Access Memory

Jan 15, 2022: I’m not ready for her to be a beautiful toddler. But she runs ahead to her future anyway. 📷: the inestimable Mrs. Perez

Jan 15, 2022: Sometimes you have to start your coffee day with an espresso and then move on to a pour over. Today is one of those days.

Jan 14, 2022: One year!

Jan 13, 2022: Back at it for another season ⚽️ First practice for the kiddos today.

Jan 11, 2022: Dad life. Baby girl (1yo on Friday), screaming bloody murder for mom, and then at hand off, stops, takes a big sigh, and just relaxes with her head in …

Jan 11, 2022: In a first for student emails. The entire email—greeting, body, salutation—is in the subject line.

Jan 9, 2022: How to course prep for the first day of class tomorrow when your wife is recovering from Covid, and it is also her birthday: You don’t. There …

Jan 8, 2022: As a general rule, real estate agents randomly texting folks at 9:30pm on a weekend asking if his house is for sale is not an effective strategy of …

Jan 8, 2022: What's in my RSS right now Earlier in the week, I posted on what apps and subscriptions I have currently, going into 2022. I thought it was helpful to clarify for myself where …

Jan 6, 2022: 🎥 Streaming Music Sucks. It’s supposed to be parody, but—and hear me out—he’s not entirely wrong.

Jan 6, 2022: A year ago was a rough day for Americans. I wrote this shortly after, and I’d like to think it holds up.

Jan 6, 2022: My wife tested positive yesterday, after onset of mild-moderate symptoms. (None for me, not even a sniffle.) So I’ve been nurse and dad for the …

Jan 5, 2022: 🗞 The Performative Demonstration of Education, via @benwerd. Ultimately, we don’t care so much about actually educating people. We care about showing …

Jan 5, 2022: 🗞 Your Attention Didn’t Collapse, It Was Stolen Brutal. See also, Deep Work

Jan 4, 2022: 🗞 How to watch movies “3b. If you don’t “get” a classic movie with good pedigree, 3/4 of the time the fault is yours.”

Jan 4, 2022: Home screen & subscriptions in 2022 I meant to post this on the first, but then forgot. Thankfully, other microbloggers posted their iterations of this genre. @maique Subscriptions …

Jan 2, 2022: 📻 Dawn Chorus high in the French Pyrenees You’re welcome.

Jan 2, 2022: Anno Domini MMXXII Yesterday was a lovely, restful start to the new year. Since the kids we’re up late to watch the ball drop in in New York, they slept in. We didn’t …

Jan 1, 2022: Daily Stoic Journal 📚 I’m teaching a course on political leadrship this semester (only ten days until classes start!), and among the required books for my students …

Jan 1, 2022: ☕️ Second pot of the new year. We’re definitely consuming a lot of the good stuff this year. (Not pictured: the total chaos of the kitchen.)

Jan 1, 2022: Resolved, 2022 TL;DR: My changes, and updates for (mostly) personal social media use I’m very much looking forward to making Microblog my digital center of …

Dec 31, 2021: Watched New Year in NYC with the kiddos. As far as their concerned it’s 2022. So, thus, it is for me. Happy New Year, everyone. All my love and …

Dec 31, 2021: 🗞 🎵 Nature in a human crisis pt.3 - Spacewalk Audio Fastest subscribe I’ve done in a while once I discovered @spacewalkaudio on soundcloud.

Dec 31, 2021: Last thing I did before leaving the office today: writing 2022 on the white board for Monday. Happy New Year folks—especially to all of you on the …

Dec 31, 2021: 3-ish hours, for 82 lines of code Basically—I’m an idiot when it comes to R code.

Dec 30, 2021: Winter time bliss in Arizona.

Dec 30, 2021: It’s official. In ≈11.5 months, we have a walker. Littlest one is confidently talking 5-6 steps at a time. Just in time for the New Year. So she’s got …

Dec 29, 2021: 🎶 Earl Jeffers – Resident Adviser, via Soundcloud. Some evening music while I clean up the house now that everyone is, finally, asleep.

Dec 29, 2021: 📚 The Economist’s View of the World: And the Quest for Well-Being by Steven E. Rhoads. Among the best books I’ve read, even after 15 …

Dec 29, 2021: 🗞 Why has classical music declined? - Marginal REVOLUTION Tyler mentions them, but I’m going with two wars that destroyed European culture and …

Dec 28, 2021: 🎵 The Grey Albumn (Remastered) – A classical I recently rediscovered this morning.

Dec 28, 2021: Second in as many nights with kiddos awake, sick. One with the quintessential croup barking cough, the other is teething and uncomfortable. Poor …

Dec 24, 2021: A gem of a read: NORAD’s Santa Tracker and the Spirit of Christmas - The Atlantic

Dec 24, 2021: Haply Holidays and Merry Christmas, everyone. We got our tree up last night, and are all set for Santa tonight. Kids are stoked.

Dec 21, 2021: pan-covid vaccine on the horizon? US Army Creates Single Vaccine Effective Against All COVID, SARS Variants - Defense One Walter Reed’s Spike Ferritin Nanoparticle COVID-19 vaccine, …

Dec 21, 2021: Christmas break reading list, starting with The Strategy of Denial: American Defense in an Age of Great Power Conflict by Elbridge A. Colby 📚

Dec 16, 2021: No spoilers, but I saw Spiderman: No-Way Home. Theater was nearly full. First time with two other viewers to both my immediate right and left since …

Dec 11, 2021: Afternoon walk with the kids at the Boyce Thompson Arboretum

Dec 11, 2021: Question for you fastmail users: do you create an alias/hidden email when signing up for newsletters/substacks?

Dec 11, 2021: And with that, grading is finished. After I submit final grades to the university, Christmas break begins. (Well, I still have my research projects, …

Dec 9, 2021: First Steps While talking with my wife about yesterday’s awful day for the kindergartner, the baby decided to join the world of bipedalism. Two steps …

Dec 8, 2021: Venting My kindergartner was denied an opportunity to sing at his school’s winter recital today. He’s been struggling with anxiety since school …

Nov 27, 2021: Hanging out with Gram.

Nov 25, 2021: A wonderful thanksgiving to all of you.

Nov 24, 2021: It’s all fun and games until you find pumpkin pie in your gym shoes. Happy Thanksgiving, my amigos. 🤙🏽

Nov 20, 2021: 🛫 in St. Louis for my second post pandemic work trip. It’ll be a mad dash to the end of the semester. So very grateful to do in person academic things …

Nov 18, 2021: Cheers, y’all.

Nov 18, 2021: 🛬 in STL, Missouri. I had almost forgot what cold feels like.

Nov 18, 2021: Early day. Heading to the airport for my second in-person confrence this fall. It’s starting to feel like normal. St. Louis if a fun town but I …

Nov 9, 2021: So tired I shampooed with conditioner and conditioned with… well, yeah.

Nov 8, 2021: Tomorrow I start teaching Camus’s The Plague, and so began re-listening to a podcast my colleague and I did on the novel early in the pandemic. I’m …

Nov 5, 2021: 22 “short” papers graded in a single night. Oof. I got behind and needed those done because midterm essays for another class are coming very soon.

Oct 31, 2021: Home

Oct 30, 2021: Look. My oldest doesn’t like peanut butter or chocolate. So I’m doing him a favor by taking all his Reese’s cups and pieces. It’s an act of parental …

Oct 30, 2021: Red Wall

Oct 29, 2021: Cycle

Oct 28, 2021: Underneath Wasn’t trying to emulate the amazing shot from @maique. But while editing another photo, the baby was goofing off in the sheets playing …

Oct 27, 2021: Chaos No surprise, right before bed.

Oct 26, 2021: Bliss

Oct 25, 2021: Gravity

Oct 24, 2021: Connection

Oct 23, 2021: Meaning

Oct 22, 2021: Rest

Oct 21, 2021: Space

Oct 20, 2021: Sport

Oct 19, 2021: Mirror

Oct 18, 2021: Finished

Oct 17, 2021: Compass

Oct 16, 2021: Rotatation

Oct 15, 2021: Ethereal

Oct 14, 2021: Wheels Interestingly enough, this is the first time I’ve not liked VSCO black and white conversion, but also the first time I used Halide macro mode …

Oct 13, 2021: Animals

Oct 12, 2021: Legend

Oct 11, 2021: Hygge

Oct 10, 2021: Bridge

Oct 9, 2021: Safe

Oct 8, 2021: Twilight

Oct 7, 2021: Spice

Oct 6, 2021: Street

Oct 5, 2021: Toy

Oct 4, 2021: Sharp

Oct 3, 2021: Majority

Oct 2, 2021: Dark

Oct 1, 2021: Touch

Sep 30, 2021: Ohio bound.

Sep 24, 2021: First flight since February 2020! Surreal, but also satisfying.

Sep 8, 2021: Saw a preying mantis at the kiddo’s during drop off today.

Aug 14, 2021: Morning hike with the kiddos at the “A” mountain in Tempe. Was super proud of the kiddos, especially the one with a broken arm who, less than a week …

Aug 13, 2021: It took an entire week but the kindergartner had a splendid day at school. He’d been apprehensive, worried, and scared. But today, it was an …

Aug 10, 2021: Pensive on his way to school. He’s still a little scared and doesn’t go into the classroom right away, but today was a good day. He got a sticker, and …

Aug 6, 2021: We started kindergarten today! I’d like to say it was a hit, but I can’t. First day jitters with the kiddo. We’ll do better on Monday.

Aug 4, 2021: A fasle start on post-pandemic date night. So last Saturday we got a date night, courtesy of my wife’s sister who was in town. It was our first since the before times. But less than hour into …

Aug 3, 2021: Here’s a (possibly) mind-blowing fact: just about every time you load a web page on a browser, or click to a new experience inside an app, there’s …

Jul 4, 2021: Happy Independence Day, folks!

Jun 27, 2021: Reading with grandpa. . . . . . My Dad got his turn to come out and visit. It’s been longer since we’ve seen him than my mom, at nearly two years. …

Jun 27, 2021: Reading with grandpa. 📷 My dad drove out to visit us; it’s been two years since we’ve seen him. The big kids were stoked to share their books with …

Jun 18, 2021: Dancing with Gram. . . . . . #shotoniphone #monochrome #iphone12promax #blackandwhite

Jun 17, 2021: Portrait of the missus and the baby. Took this quick snapshot while the three brothers were playing in the splash pad after we got hamburgers and went …

Jun 17, 2021: Morning smiles.

Jun 15, 2021: Finally got around to importing my CD (!) archive of old iPhotos libraries into Lightroom and came across this gem of an iPhone 3G screenshot.

Jun 13, 2021: On Friday, we got our first date night since the before times thanks to my mom who came to visit.

Jun 13, 2021: Date Night, the first since the Before Times.

Jun 8, 2021: Got some developed that has been sitting for a few months. This shot, cropped from 6x6 medium format, was among the gems. 📷

Jun 8, 2021: Playtime, Fall 2020.

Jun 5, 2021: My mom came into town this weekend and is enjoying every minute she can with her grandkids.

May 30, 2021: Oof. The 3yo just spilled cup of noodles on himself after insisting he could “do it himself.” Poor kiddo.

May 29, 2021: Feeding the ducks. . . . . #lightroom #monochrome #blackandwhitephotography #sonya7ii #sonyalpha

May 29, 2021: We did a mini adventure this morning. The baby was up all night, so she wasn’t having it, But her brothers, had a great time. Home now, out of the …

May 29, 2021: Free space, May 28, 2021. . . . . #vsco #monochrome #iphonography #familytime #iphone12promax

May 29, 2021: Walking a grumpy baby back to sleep at 3 AM, for the win.

May 25, 2021: For the amount of money folks pay for internet service, you’d think the help desk would be more competent when the internet goes out. Alas, you’d be …

May 24, 2021: Hedley Bull, with a useful reminder for those worried about their daily “word count.” “thinking is also research.” Via …

May 20, 2021: @manton, on Twitter Whenever I dip my toe into what’s going on with Twitter, I’m always struck by how the outrage level is always a “10”, no matter …

May 20, 2021: I was told there would be NO clouds in Arizona. No clouds! I demand to speak with a manager.

May 19, 2021: Got my first MRI today. Looks like a bulged disc in my lower back. Wanted to take a photo of the machine or of me in the unit but giant medical grade …

May 17, 2021: No, not good news at all In China, Apple Compromises on Censorship and Surveillance Tim Cook, Apple’s chief executive, has said the data is safe. But at the data center in …

May 15, 2021: That’s a wrap on spring soccer. Nacho had his last game today. His coach (and coach’s eldest) were just terrific. I know sports are good for …

May 14, 2021: Pizza night so someone doesn’t give a wut wut.

May 12, 2021: 2020 International Religious Freedom Report The Department of State submits this annual report to the Congress in compliance with section 102(b) of …

May 12, 2021: Quick break from the work, and lo! I just past 1700 elo in online chess. (“Rapid” ~ 10-15 min games and where I play the most.)

May 10, 2021: Quick view from my building. My office is actually one of the windows off the left but this view from the top of the stairs is so much better.

May 8, 2021: Almost wrapping up spring soccer. Big kiddo finally learning to kick big. And he may have found his calling as goalie. Little bro had his last game …

May 7, 2021: Jobs outlook for the summer Lot of intereesting stuff on the jobs data, From the Washington Post, via @Pratik earlier today: It’s not a ‘labor shortage.’ It’s a great …

May 7, 2021: Not that we needed more reason’s to distrust Google. But its kerfuffle with Roku is getting hot. From John Gruber.. I don’t have a roku, and I still …

May 7, 2021: Spent most of yesterday afternoon, evening, and this morning banging my head against the desk troubleshooting why my citations were not rendering in …

Apr 9, 2021: J&J slashes April target of vaccine With domestic production of the company’s vaccine still unapproved, the government slashed its national …

Apr 9, 2021: I Called Off My Wedding. The Internet Will Never Forget The internet is clever, but it’s not always smart. It’s personalized, but not personal. It …

Apr 7, 2021: The true, the good, and the beautiful. Big kiddo has his initial assessment for fall classes at a classical school here in town.

Apr 6, 2021: Weary with toil, I haste me to my bed, The dear repose for limbs with travel tired, But then begins a journey in my head, To work my mind when body’s …

Apr 5, 2021: Starting Soccer, pt 3 We conclude our three part story on the boys starting soccer this spring. Paco had his first practice. Other than missing the first half of the NCAA …

Apr 5, 2021: March Madness 2021 I had Michigan winning the tournament (and as a very loyal Ohio State alumnus, I had good reason not to and wasn’t sorry when they lost). @maton …

Apr 3, 2021: Starting Soccer, pt 2b (Opening Day!) It wouldn’t be a full morning of soccer without the big kid’s first game. Our theme of jitters continued. In fact the pattern was the same: lots of …

Apr 3, 2021: Starting Soccer, pt 2a (Opening Day!) Today are the first games for the boys. Paco went first. Although we missed our first practice this week because we never received the email from the …

Mar 31, 2021: Spring Soccer, pt. 1 Today Nacho had his first soccer practice. He wanted to do a sport for more than a year and just as we began to look at youth sports last spring, the …

Mar 29, 2021: Weeding I spent part of my weekend working on the back yard. When we bought our home last summer, both the front and back had been neglected for a long while. …

Mar 27, 2021: Simplified Research

My research organization has gotten a little too byzantine over the years. Navigating to an active research project is now six levels deep on my …

Mar 24, 2021: Family photos My wife has been wanting family photos for a while. Back in 2019, we agreed that “next year” we’d do it for our Christmas cards. Of …

Jan 28, 2021: Gabby and Mommy, January 14, 2021. Been a hectic two weeks bringing baby number four. I’ve not had the time to immediately get a birthday shot up. I …

Jan 5, 2021: Sunday Bike Ride, January 3, 2021. . . . . #blackandwhitephotography #monochrome #shotoniphone #family #vsco #lightroom #iphone12promax

Nov 28, 2020: Untitled, November 28, 2020. . . . . #vscocam #iphone12promax #blackandwhitephotography #monochrome

Nov 26, 2020: Thanksgiving 2020 Neither isolated nor alone. And while we miss our extended families and friends, it was a beautiful meal and day of thanks.

Nov 22, 2020: Coffee after Mass Went for a quick coffee after Mass with the big kid. He got a hot chocolate and really enjoyed the time hanging out with me. Although he won’t say it, …

Nov 22, 2020: A quick coffee* after Mass (*it was a hot chocolate for him), November 22, 2020, Feast of Christ the King.

Nov 14, 2020: Open spaces.

Nov 14, 2020: Untitled, November 14, 2020.

Nov 7, 2020: Swing state (of mind), November 7, 2020

Nov 3, 2020: Power ranger or Luchador? The Halloween costumes get a lot of use when you’re a toddler.

Oct 30, 2020: Trying on halloween costumes

Oct 5, 2020: The Crypto State? Bruno Maçaes, writes at City Journal But here are my provisional suggestions on how things could go. The critical issue is, of course, taxation. It …

Oct 3, 2020: Why the debate might have been the best in 20 years It’s been a busy news week, and I forgot to post this. I wrote up a short piece arguing what …

Sep 20, 2020: Sunday prayer A quiet moment at the end of Mass when the big kid started to figure out that everyone uses the time after Eucharist for quiet …

Sep 20, 2020: Post-communion prayer. When I told Nacho we use the time after communion to pray for God to heal our hearts and help make us better, he asked if he …

Sep 13, 2020: Analog Maps Great photo from, and reminds me of the time I was in Australia in 2004. My friend and I had a map out looking for a place we …

Sep 12, 2020: LA standing up smoke relief centers around the city Beat the Heat - Emergency Management Department It’s getting bad.

Sep 12, 2020: Ruy Lopez We’re working on chess this morning after the wife found a free chess set at a garage sale. My 4yo has been begging to learn and he’s finally sitting …

Sep 8, 2020: Mating pattern I had just previously ripped open the kingside castle with a pin, and the (slightly, but nevertheless) higher ranked player gave me the mate instead …

Aug 10, 2020: Break from the sprinklers, Summer 2020 #shotoniphone #vscocam #darkroomapp #blackandwhitephotography

Jun 20, 2020: Party up front, nap time in the back.

Apr 12, 2020: “Easter photo,” April 12, 2020. . . . . Nacho found my photo lighting gear in the closet today and wanted his portrait taken. We had to run to the …

Apr 12, 2020:

Apr 12, 2020: Easter morning.

Feb 26, 2020:

Jan 9, 2020:

Dec 27, 2019: Family beach day. #vsco #blackandwhite #christmas2019 #santamonica #california

Dec 20, 2019:

Jul 29, 2019: Another from the Fourth of July. . . . . . #filmphotography #kodakportra160 #kodakfilm #shootfilm #120love #yashicamat124g #mediumformatfilm

Jul 23, 2019: Last shot from the splash pad in OKC. . . . . . #kodakfilm #kodakporta160 #mediumformatfilm #yashicamat124g

Jul 23, 2019: ¡Brothers! . . . . . . #kodakporta160 #kodakfilm #shootfilm #120film #120love #mediumformatfilm #yashicamat124g

Jul 23, 2019: Another shot from our road trip . . . . . #kodakporta160 #kodakfilm #120love #yashicamat124g #mediumformatfilm #6x6

Jul 23, 2019: Watching the tractor parade, July 4, 2019. . . . . . #kodakporta160 #kodakfilm #120film #120love #yashicamat124g #independenceday #july4th

Jul 23, 2019: My sister in law and niece. . . . . #portraitphotography #porta160 #120love #filmphotography #yashicamat124g #kodak

Jul 22, 2019: A quick moment on our road trip west last week. . . . . #kodakportra160 #kodak #120film #120love #yashicamat124g #mediumformatfilm

Jul 6, 2019: Hurray for splash pads

Jun 21, 2019: Another shot from our night at the Missouri Theater for a children’s night. After the concert they did a “petting zoo” of the musical …

Jun 21, 2019: Ignacio was captivated by the symphony the other night. Afterward we got his very first “when I grow up I will be…” statement. “A …

Jun 20, 2019: A befitting #tbt photo of @lgarabisperez a week before our wedding, which was five years ago today. Five wonderful years.

May 31, 2019: Smile.

May 30, 2019: Untitled. The view from my hotel room while attending a workshop sponsored by Duke Political Science.

May 24, 2019: Untitled.

May 21, 2019: Untitled.

May 20, 2019: Shadow and light

May 20, 2019: Just like big brother

May 16, 2019: Fun times.

May 14, 2019: Bubbling with wonder.

May 14, 2019: Bubbling with joy.

Apr 30, 2019: Morning Joe.

Apr 30, 2019:

Feb 15, 2019:

Jan 17, 2019: 🛬 for a short trip in Austin. Only one semester since I graduated and moved but feels like a lifetime.

Jan 12, 2019: Playtime in the snow.

Nov 26, 2018: Teaching little brother about snow.

Nov 12, 2018: Walk home. #streetphotography #vsco #iphonephotography

Nov 12, 2018: Snowfall on campus

Nov 9, 2018: Afternoon after autumn snowfall

Nov 4, 2018: Fall foliage

Nov 4, 2018: Wet fall morning.

Oct 26, 2018: Coffee in Columbia

Oct 25, 2018: Dragonmaster More sights in and around Mizzou.

Oct 25, 2018: Thursday morning.

Oct 24, 2018: Dragons at the J-School.

Oct 23, 2018: Autumn In Columbia.

Oct 22, 2018: This too is real. The din ceases. Memory closed down its dark waters. And those, as if behind a glass, stare out, silent. Czeslaw Milosz. Berkley, …

Oct 20, 2018: The Sun All the colors come from the sun. And it does not have Any particular color, it contains them all. The whole Earth is like a poem Well the sun …

Oct 20, 2018: Taking a break from apple picking for some quality control tasting.

Oct 19, 2018: In Book 1 of Politics, Aristotle remarks that man is born naturally with weapons, or arms, to be used by prudence on behalf of justice. He seems to …

Oct 18, 2018: Philip Jenkins argues that social statistics should always be treated cautiously There are things that we don’t know, but also things that we …

Oct 18, 2018: Twilight of the Never Trumpers. The central problem both parties face is not a matter of tone or rhetoric in the midst of the chaos and …

Oct 7, 2018: Not a vending a machine.

Oct 6, 2018: Delayed on arrival.

Oct 6, 2018: O’Hare hallway

Oct 5, 2018: “Hotel view” Stuck at Chicago O’Hare because a delay and @United policy won’t cover a hotel; and their “voucher” program was a joke. This …

Sep 29, 2018: Saturday morning at the farm

Aug 30, 2018: Magic Hour

Aug 28, 2018: Bus stop.

Aug 28, 2018: Show Me Earlier this month I defended my dissertation and submitted all paperwork to complete my PhD. It has been a long time coming and I am obviously glad …

Aug 12, 2018: Just another day at the office. #lincolnfellow

Jun 14, 2018: Road trip

May 18, 2018: Fortuna.

May 13, 2018: Happy Mother’s Day to my lovely wife, @lgarabisperez. She’s a terrific mom to Nacho and Paco (not pictured).

Apr 25, 2018: Eye spy

Apr 24, 2018: Old Austin

Apr 23, 2018: Paco’s first strawberries

Apr 14, 2018: Nederland.

Apr 8, 2018: Paco likes strawberries. First fruit with myself and @lgarabisperez

Apr 7, 2018: Spring days in Austin. #streetphotography #ricohgr

Apr 7, 2018: Few months ago I took some friends to Franklin who were in town from Ohio. We we’re first in line. As Ice Cube would say, damn it was a good day.

Apr 6, 2018: July 4, 2017. Waiting for the parade in Pflugerville, TX with @lgarabisperez and Nacho.

Apr 5, 2018: Pumpkin patch, 2017. Last fall @lgarabisperez and I took Ignacio to get a pumpkin. Shot on my #Yashica 124G #mediumformat on #kodak #portra

Mar 23, 2018: Late night book club.

Mar 6, 2018: It’s spring time in Austin, so that means it’s time to teach the toddler about popsicles.

Feb 25, 2018: Lucia decided that Nacho was old enough to learn how to roll down the hill.

Feb 24, 2018: A quick morning coffee with @lgarabisperez before heading home.

Jan 24, 2018: First in line. I’ve been coming here since I started my PhD program in 2011, now I know I can finally leave the city peace.

Dec 24, 2017: Merry Christmas.

Oct 14, 2017: A shot from earlier this week when we introduced Ignacio to his baby brother, Francisco Alfredo.

Oct 10, 2017: Hanging with my new little one, Francisco Alfredo. We’re debating nick names: Paco or Freddy. Leave a vote in the comments. Photo by @lgarabisperez

Aug 31, 2017: connorewing isn’t the only one who can #ootd like a boss. This is your #APSA2017 and job market edition.

Aug 26, 2017: Moving in #hurricanharvey deep in the heart of Texas. #atx #selfportrait

Aug 18, 2017: Nacho’s first time with water balloons.

Jun 19, 2017: Afternoon Commute

Jun 9, 2017: After the rain, Capitol Hill, Seattle, WA.

Jun 8, 2017: Big Ten, Pac North West

Jun 5, 2017: My view at dinner.

May 27, 2017: High Sierras. In route to the west coast for a week of archival research.

May 25, 2017: The Mushroom House at Black’s Beach. #Fujifilm #Velvia #yashicamat124g #120film

May 21, 2017: Untitled.

May 15, 2017: Bluebonnets

May 14, 2017: Happy Mother’s Day to my lovely wife, @lgarabisperez who is one terrific mom. This pic is from a set about a year ago.

May 13, 2017: A little Saturday color. This shot from San Diego, last summer. #portra400 #120film

Apr 18, 2017: Bike Lane #ATX #Streetphotography_BW #streetphotography

Apr 16, 2017: Joy

Apr 5, 2017: An unbelievable meal. Do yourself a favor if you’re in Chicago: Go here.

Feb 19, 2017:

Feb 19, 2017: Fire. Fire! Fire!!!!

Feb 19, 2017: “Learning patience, one brisket at a time.”

Jan 28, 2017: Coffee hustle

Jan 28, 2017: Daddy and Nacho day, looking at tigers.

Dec 17, 2016: Saturday morning strolls.

Nov 27, 2016: Reading on the drive. Kid always has to have a book with him.

Oct 19, 2016: Autumn in Austin #vsco

Oct 16, 2016: Mommy and son in route to Cbus. #vsco

Oct 8, 2016: Waiting for tacos

Jul 17, 2016: Discovery.

Oct 19, 2015: Early morning at UT.

Oct 13, 2015: We interrupt this photographer’s stream to bring you a family photo with my wife and son, Ignacio Buenaventura.

Oct 11, 2015: Ignacio Buenaventura.

Aug 15, 2015: Morning in America. #roadtrip

Jul 18, 2015:

Jul 15, 2015: As an aspiring academic it is always so difficult to get rid of books. Each one represents a step in the sometimes painful process in the pursuit of …

Jul 12, 2015: Mind blown.

Jul 12, 2015: Childlike wonder. #VSCOcam

Jul 4, 2015: Watching the parade. #fourthofjuly #independenceday

Jun 29, 2015:

Jun 29, 2015: Watching the band … #cbus #CaptureOne #street

Jun 28, 2015: Book Fair.

Jun 26, 2015: Rock cave in Hocking Hills #CaptureOne #bw

Jun 23, 2015: Bridge in Wheeling (WV). #Kodak #triX

Jun 12, 2015: #VSCOcam

Jun 6, 2015: #theaspenleiters

Jun 6, 2015: #theaspenleiters 6/6/2015

Jun 6, 2015: #theaspenleiters 6/6/2015

Jun 6, 2015: “This coffee is atrocious” (as I pour more). Early morning on the road.

Jun 5, 2015: Storm coming.

May 5, 2015: Catch! #cbus

May 5, 2015: #Kodak #portra400 #cbus

Apr 25, 2015: Marriage

Apr 25, 2015:

Apr 25, 2015: New bride

Apr 24, 2015: Got a light? #120love #Kodak #Ektar #film

Apr 23, 2015: #VSCOcam

Apr 23, 2015: Break in the storm #VSCOcam

Apr 22, 2015: Spring time blooming. #VSCOcam

Apr 20, 2015:

Apr 19, 2015: Meanwhile, in downtown Chicago. #VSCOcam

Apr 11, 2015:

Apr 9, 2015: Dublin, Ireland. #hp5+ #film

Apr 3, 2015: #VSCOcam

Apr 2, 2015: #VSCOcam

Mar 29, 2015: When I should be working on academic writing…. #VSCOcam

Mar 7, 2015: Friday nights. #VSCOcam

Feb 14, 2015: Snowy afternoon. #VSCOcam

Oct 19, 2014: #vscocam

Sep 19, 2014: #vscocam

Sep 15, 2014: #vscocam

Sep 6, 2014: Found hatch chilies in Columbus yesterday. #vscocam

Aug 15, 2014: #vscocam

Aug 1, 2014: The name tag says it all, “Mr. & Mrs. Perez.” #vscocam

Jul 22, 2014: Back in the city of Angeles, and lo!, it’s happy hour. #vscocam

Jul 19, 2014: Late nights in Clevand. #vscocam

Jul 19, 2014: #vscocam

Jul 18, 2014: Up in Cleveland for the weekend. #vscocam

Jul 2, 2014: #vscocam

Jul 1, 2014: #vscocam at la mesquita in Cordoba, españa.

Jun 29, 2014: #vscocam Spanish nights.

Jun 29, 2014: #vscocam in Sevilla

Jun 23, 2014: #vscocam

Jun 19, 2014: My nieces at #ohiostate for the first time.

Jun 9, 2014: #vscocam #streetphotograph

Jun 9, 2014: #vscocam

May 30, 2014: #vscocam

May 30, 2014: #vscocam

May 28, 2014: Yes, this is #nofilter at the Grand Canyon.

May 28, 2014: #vscocam beautiful afternoon at the Grand Canyon.

May 21, 2014: #vscocam

Apr 20, 2014: Loving Seattle. #vscocam

Apr 19, 2014: Tulip Festival in northern WA. #vscocam

Apr 17, 2014: Our view at dinner.

Apr 17, 2014: They call him “the woodsman”.

Apr 17, 2014: Otter pop!

Apr 17, 2014: OG Starbucks, Pike’s Place Market

Apr 16, 2014: Grabbing breakfast before #WPSA2014 #vscocam

Mar 21, 2014: #vscocam #streetart

Mar 20, 2014: Shadow selfie, or something like that. #vscocam

Mar 19, 2014: Mornings at UT #vscocam

Mar 18, 2014: #vsco

Mar 17, 2014: Downtown Ft. Worth, Tx on a day trip last week. #vscocam

Mar 17, 2014: #vscocam

Mar 16, 2014: On tap… #vscocam

Mar 16, 2014: Hydrate!

Mar 16, 2014: Early morning at UT. #vscocam

Mar 14, 2014:

Mar 13, 2014: Rb5 #vscocam

Nov 7, 2011: A Promise to California A PROMISE to California, Also to the great Pastoral Plains, and for Oregon: Sojourning east a while longer, soon I travel toward you, to remain, to …