Seeing Hamilton is as good as reason as any to teach your 8yo how to tie a tie. No more clip-ons or zipper ties for this kid. (Bow tie is legit too, btw.)

Photo of father and son after seeing Hamilton, the musical, in Tempe Arizona.

Finished reading: The Civic Bargain by Brook Manville πŸ“š

I actually finished this in May, but have been very slow to get back to MicroBlog until now.

🍿 IF (2024) - β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…

IF poster

Underrated and under-appreciated. Among the best family I’ve seen in a long time. Held my kids and wife’s attention the whole time. Simply splendid.

My wife just used the term “Bayesian prior” in casual conversation. My work here is done.

Happy monday, folks πŸ“·

Photo of minivan with a blown radiator

πŸŽ₯ Woodie is a good puppy!, YouTube

Lot of folks ask, how hot is it in Arizona? Well, it’s nard to say. I mean, you get used it. But…

Screenshot of iPhone overheating warning.

πŸŽ₯ Turning the Tables on AI, iA Writer.

I like the idea of getting the AI to ask the writer questions for clarity; I suspect many of my students will find that useful too.

Your periodic reminder not write and edit your own wikipedia page. It’s just bad form.

You guys! I don’t pickleball is coming in Spring 2024.

Photo from June 2024 of a sign for a pickleball court β€œcoming spring 2024”

44 rotations around the sun. (It was yearerday, but I always give D-Day pride of place, especially this year, 80 years since.) I have this running joke with the kids that I’m 100+my real age, hence the numbers on the cake.

Portrait of author with his four kids and a birthday cake.

πŸŽ₯ Jocko on 80-years since D-Day, YouTube

πŸ—žοΈ NCAA 2.8 Billion dollar settlement will pay college athletes directly. WSJ

Long-time coming. Probably bad for college sports, but justly over due.

Monday vibes

Wide angle crop of children playing in a splash pad

Sunday vibes.

Wide angle photograph of Chase Field, a baseball park.Young boy cheeringPhotograph of father and son after a baseball game

I was in Washington earlier this week. The view as we left in a light rain and fog was splendid.

Photograph from an airplane window of the Washington Monument surrounded by clouds.

Perils (and joys) of homeownership. 25+ year old oven finally dies, 4 years into my ownership. But the 25+ year old cabinents were not built to spec, and required some attention to fit the new one. (The new one cooks much better.)

It arrived early! @ayjay did a marvelous job. Beautiful layout, typography, binding. Looking forward to a good slow read of it just as classes and the hectic pace of finals ends.

Photo of W. H. Auden’s Shield of Achilles, a new edition published in 2024.