We went to the Buckeye Air Fair this weekend, here’s a few photos. πŸ“Έ

On re-watching, I am of the opinion that K Dot’s halftime show was a work of art deserving of another Pulitzer for literature.

🎡 Melt Away: A Tribute To Brian Wilson - She Him - β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…

Melt Away: A Tribute To Brian Wilson - She  Him poster

Stunning little album.

Finished reading: The Book of War: Includes The Art of War by Sun Tzu & On War by Karl von Clausewitz by Sun Tzu πŸ“š

Another go around with the Prussian.

Hell hath no fury like a toddler who didn’t nap long enough this morning.

πŸŽ₯ I bought an UNUSED 70-year old Rolls-Royce crate engine, YouTube.

Yup. Get some popcorn and settle in. This is going to be good.

πŸ—žοΈ I’m a 17-year-old TikTok junkie. I need this ban

There are other, stronger reasons, for the ban. But she’s not wrong.

πŸ—žοΈπŸˆ One more, then forever, by Jack Sawer

β€œWe have our whole careers to play at the next level β€” and our whole lives to be Buckeyes. But we only have one more shot to be national champs … and being national champs is forever.”

Ladies and Gentlemen, Four

πŸ“Έ credit: the wife, as per usual. See also, one year ago, today

πŸ›¬ and back. San Juan was fun, edifying. Made new friends among my profession, so that’s a win. And I trolled, and was trolled, about college football. Good times for a work trip.

Jack Sawer. 🏈

πŸ›« First work trip of the year.

A beautiful few short days in California over new year. Complete with a Rose Bowl win.

And of course the beach.

And of course, Gram and the kiddos.

Happy New Year

Magnus Carlsen knows the rules regarding dress code. To pout over a longstanding rule shows how classless he really is. He had a bad game and responded by doing something that made him look like the victim. What a baby. (At least he didn’t falsely accuse another player of cheating again.)

🎡 Her first time with Ellaβ€¦Β β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…

This is how you round out Christmas Day.

Wishes You a Swinging Christmas - Ella Fitzgerald poster

Two Christmas miracles, and one dose of coal.

Christmas Eve is usually either very quiet or super busy. For us, it was the latter.

  1. We were out of eggs, and because of the bird flu prices for a dozen at our local store are are triple. My wife checked at Costco yesterday only to see a sign that said “because of the bird flu, we are out. Sorry.” But she forgot some things, so I had to go today. I checked on a whim, and they had some, maybe a dozen cartons left. Amen.
  2. We were way behind on Christmas cards and barely finished them today. But with all the other last minute errands, missed dropping them off at the Post Office before they closed at noon. On the way to Mass, we passed a mail man still out delivering. I asked and he gladly took our cards so they’ll at least be post marked before Christmas. Amen.
  3. After Mass we planned on swinging by our local burger joint for dinner. Something fun for the kids, but easy clean up (no cooking) for mom and dad. Turns out they closed at 5pm today (we got there at 5:10). Sigh. No problem, we went to Wendy’s and my wife used a coupon she had. She ordered online so we didn’t flustered speaking to the squawk box while the kids were rioting about dinner. All good. Except, when we got to the drive through for pickup, “we just ran out of fries right now,” was the reply. “What, you’re out of fries?!” My wife replied, half in disbelief. “Yes, ma’am. Just now.” So we canceled our order and scramled for Plan B.

So now I’m letting the kids watch Home Alone (a classic, that holds up so well) while the wife runs to find Plan B.

Merry Christmas to all, and too all a good night!

πŸŽ₯ Can you take a photo of us?, YouTube skit.

I laughed hard when I saw just after it released, harder when playing it for my wife just now.

Last exam grades, and all grades posted to Canvas. Christmas break begins now.

Finished reading: The Odyssey of Homer by Richmond Lattimore πŸ“š

I needed to re-read it before watching The Return last week. Homer never dissapoints.

A single data point, but irrefutable evidence of how little music I’ve listened to this year: The number of Pitchfork’s 50 best albums of 2024 of which I am familiar is in the single digits. Usually I’m familiar with at least half, and listened to a good third start to finish. 🎡