I can confirm that a cheese grater, if properly sharp and well maintained, can take a deep chunk of skin clean off your thumb faster than you drop an f-bomb from the sharp pain. Just in case you were wondering, now you know.
Take maths seriously, folks.
I am not wholly persuaded by this novel proposition for selecting SCOTUS Justices, but maybe. It’s better than the 18 year proposal which wouldn’t de-escalate the significance of presidential elections and Court nominations.
“But our holding in Espinoza turned on the substance of free exercise protections, not on the presence or absence of magic words.”
As Father’s Day gifts go, hard to beat the goldfish my daughter (18mo) shoved into my mouth while smiling. Cheers, fellow dads.
Happy Fathers Day, everyone!
Paco (4yo) didn’t think he was dirty enough to justify a bath. So he put it hands in his spaghetti bowl, wiped it on his face, arms, and belly and then said “oh no, I guess I need a bath after spaghetti night.”
My wife has a flair for the dramatic. 🔥
I’m uninstalling Emacs and moving my config files into archive. As powerful as it is, maintaining it isn’t worth my time and energy, especially when a good chunk of my workflow is on the iPad. It’s been a good run (~11 years), but it’s time to move on (at least for now).
Every year for my birthday, my kids “surprise” me with a home made cake or cupcakes. It takes more work for me to conveniently be gone, and not hear them talking to mom about “you know what.” But it’s swell all the same. 📷
I didn’t watch the WWDC keynote. But I did take the kids to their first swim lessons. 📷
My birthday is tomorrow, but my wife is impatient. So she made me a drink before dinner and put in my gift, a cocktail glass engraved with a map of hometown. 📷
Just got back from a pool party at a colleague’s. I took the oldest. Best decision ever. He got to swim, I got to hang out. He’s getting there, folks: even thanked my colleague and his wife for having us over to swim before we left. 🤙🏽
“Dad, how do you know stuff about the past?”
“I’m a dad. I know almost everything.“
“Oh yeah, who was the tallest president to ever live?”
“Abraham Lincoln.”
::grins in surprise:: “Well done, well done.”
Something something, run, don’t walk to see Top Gun Maverick. I cannot recall the last time the cinematography got my adrenaline racing. Woah. Just woah. 📽
Beautiful blood moon tonight. We were able to see it at a reasonable hour in Arizona. Kids loved it. Simply stunning.
Hashtag “girl dad” 📷
We let momma hit up brunch and a brewery, alone, this morning after Mass. Then we joined her for the last little bit. 📷
Cheers, again, to all the moms!